The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) turns 45 in September, and the organization that was created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1969 to establish regional cooperation as a cornerstone to long–term prosperity and economic success continues to distinguish itself as a model of what cooperation between government agencies can accomplish.
Particularly successful at leveraging funds and expertise needed for projects and services around the District, the CSPDC has assisted in bringing in over $100 million in new investments to the Region in the past decade. For every dollar the CSPDC received in local membership assessment, an average return of $50 in local, state, federal, and private funds were generated.
The CSPDC is one of 21 regional planning district commissions located throughout the Commonwealth. It is the largest geographically and the fifth largest in population, and is comprised of 5 counties: Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rockingham; 5 cities: Buena Vista, Lexington, Staunton, Waynesboro, and Harrisonburg and 11 towns. Issues addressed by CSPDC services include land use planning and regulations, transportation and public transit, solid waste management, water and wastewater utilities, housing, economic development, water resource management, disaster mitigation and education, and human services.
Carolyn W. Dull, CSPDC Chairperson and Staunton City Mayor says, “The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission has served as an outstanding example in the Commonwealth of why regional cooperative activities are critical to the cost-effective delivery of needed services in our communities. The program successes facilitated by the CSPDC these past 45 years show that in spite of state and local governments being asked to “do more with less,” regional planning can have a major impact on governmental efficiency.”
The CSPDC celebrated the anniversary on August 18 with project displays and presentations by staff for Commission Board members and invited guests. To learn more about the CSPDC and their mission, please visit