The Virginia Household Water Testing Program will provide an opportunity for Augusta County rural residents on a private water supply, such as a well, cistern or spring to test their household water.
What’s in your water? Did you know that private water supplies like wells and springs are unregulated? It is the responsibility of the homeowner to regularly test water quality, maintain the water system, and address any problems.
Affordable, confidential water testing and education will be offered through the Augusta County Virginia Cooperative Extension office.
A kickoff meeting and sample kit pick up meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 21, at the Augusta County Government Center Board Room at 18 Government Center Lane, Verona. Plan to drop off your samples on Wednesday, June 23, at the Augusta County Extension Office at 13 Government Center Lane, Verona.
The follow up and results interpretation meeting, in which results will be distributed to participants will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 4, at the Augusta County Government Center Board Room at 7 p.m.
Participation is voluntary and confidential.
Water samples collected by participating homeowners will be analyzed for 14 parameters, including bacteria, metals, nitrate and hardness at a cost of $60.
Results and water system care and maintenance information will be shared at an information meeting.
All information is kept strictly confidential and results are reported only to the homeowner.
Contact John Benner at (540)245-5750 or email him at [email protected] to register.
For a downloadable brochure visit the Augusta County Extension Office homepage at
For more information about the Virginia Household Water Quality Program, visit
Payment the night of the kickoff meeting is required.