Home Albemarle goes gold in Virginia Municipal League Green Government Challenge
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Albemarle goes gold in Virginia Municipal League Green Government Challenge


albemarleAlbemarle County has received a gold level certification in the 2014 Green Government Challenge, which is part of the Virginia Municipal League’s (VML) larger Go Green Virginia environmental initiative that kicked off in late 2007. This is the seventh year that Albemarle County has received a certification from VML’s Green Government Challenge.

The Green Government Challenge is a friendly competition among local governments to encourage the implementation of specific environmental policies and practical actions that reduce carbon emissions generated by both the local government and broader community. Cities, towns and counties can become a certified “Green Government.”

Local governments earned “green points” by implementing or adopting up to 30 policies and actions divided into 11 categories ranging from energy efficiency and green buildings to land-use and innovation.  The County earned a gold level certification with a total of 155 “green points” in areas such as energy efficiency, waste management, water / air quality, and education and community participation. Included in the County’s total of 155 earned points were “innovation credits” including the County’s support of the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP), the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS), the Albemarle Environmental Stewardship Strategic Plan, and engaging in various public education and outreach efforts and organizations, such as the Water Resources Regional Education Partnership.

“We’re very proud to have received this recognition for the past seven years from the VML,” said County Executive Tom Foley. “Stewardship is one of the County’s four core values and we are committed to thoughtfully protect and manage our ecosystems.”

This year’s certification was awarded earlier in October at the Virginia Municipal League conference in Roanoke, Virginia.



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