Wellness can be an elusive thing. Between all the information that one is constantly being bombarded with from the internet and the avalanches of advice, you get if you so much as breathe the topic in a group setting. Wellness is a concept that can be overwhelming, even to the experienced. Especially now when it seems that there is no shortage of misinformation and myth regarding your health. Couple that with the fact that what wellness means to you and your body can be entirely subjective. It often feels like wellness is a maze that one must probe through.
So you may ask. How do we then cut through the fog and finally figure out what kind of wellness works best for us?
Well, you’re in luck, my friend, as we have compiled this list of tips and a smidge of general advice that can help you figure out what kind of wellness works best for you and your body!
All-natural solutions
Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling just a little raw? Your bones are stiff, your muscles are sore, and the second your eyes open, you can feel that shoulder throbbing? If this sounds familiar to you, then let’s talk about pain management. As we get older, we don’t quite heal like we used to. Sometimes what would have taken a cut two days start to take a week. Sometimes that night out means we have to rest for a full day instead of just the morning. This kind of thing isn’t just relegated to our outside pains, and it affects our inside pain as well. Maybe those knees are just a little too sore by the end of the day, or that shoulder has been a little too stiff this week. Our body is slowing down, and that is OK! It’s something that happens to everyone, and there is no shame in honestly saying it. “I need a little help.”
Now the next major step is choosing what kind of help. You could go for a more synthetic solution like many over-the-counter pain killers, or you could try one of the CBD-rich pain management solutions from Healist Naturals. They are an exciting voice in pain management that features an all natural solution to chronic pain. CBD also promotes a sense of calm and wellness that’s helpful to those with a long task list for the day or those who need help falling asleep and staying asleep. In a world where new and somewhat alarming side effects are being discovered every day in the world of over-the-counter medication. It might be helpful to take a step back and try a more traditional and more natural approach. If this sounds like you, then trying one of these CBD solutions may greatly benefit your feeling of wellness!
Wellness in all areas
Wellness is not relegated to any one particular part of life. It can refer inward to the smallest, most granular part of your body and then outward to your whole sense of self. It’s such a broad topic. So in that spirit, let’s put the kids to bed and have a frank discussion about sex. More specifically, about what to do when your body is having trouble rising to the occasion. Picture this; it’s your anniversary. You have been out all night with your spouse. First, it was dinner, where you noticed she still had the same laugh that she used to give you back when you had first met up for coffee after meeting her in a class on ceramics one mid-November morning. Then you went dancing, where you noticed that she still looked at you with the same passionate gaze that she gave you back when you were doing the dishes in your 476 square foot apartment that you had just moved into together. That was also the night she looked back at you from the doorway. She said “I Love You” from the doorway. She said it in not a particularly strange way. But it’s your favorite memory. Your mind returns to the present. She said, “I Love You.” From the doorway of your hotel. She said “I Love You” again as you stumbled through the threshold of your room. There is electricity in the air. Until. A cool shock creeps over your body. As hard as you try, nothing is happening.
No matter what you do, you can’t get anything to start up. Now I think we all know what I’m talking about here, and let me say this. Don’t worry. You have options. Namely, Blue Chew! This is a male supplemental chewable vitamin that can help you seal the deal on a special night. This is a vitamin that distinguishes itself due to its over-the-counter nature and ease of use. Additionally, those who suffer allergies or other adverse reactions to other male supplement pills may find the chewable a suitable alternative! If you’re suffering from ED, it’s well worth your time to ask your doctor to see if this supplement is right for you!
Crafting your core
So we’ve been over some examples of pain management and, let’s say, “spiritual” health, now let us look at how wellness can relate further to our physical health through an exercise practice. The example we always like to give to people is yoga. This is a highly beneficial form of exercise that tone and strengthens all of your muscle groups and enhances your flexibility. Yogic practices have been in existence for thousands of years due to the fact that they frankly work. Exercise is also known to be of benefit to any chronic pain that you may be experiencing. Strengthening your muscle helps to eliminate any irregularities in the alignment of your skeletal system andsince reduces any inflammation or stiffness coming from sore muscles. Other examples of beneficial exercises for any pain you experience are cardio and light muscle training. If you go on light 1-2 mile runs every other day, it is shown that this can tighten up your muscle groups, eliminate body fat and promote better posture. Lightweight training with resistance bands is another easy way to exercise that reduces the inflammation of your muscles by strengthening them and reducing body fat. Additionally, as you gain muscle, your body will start to burn more calories which, when coupled with active cardio, can result in tremendous weight loss, which has its benefits, one of which is reduced chronic pain.
We don’t blame you for seeking out some guidance on how to keep your body well. It is a brutal world out there, and when you are awash in a cybernetic sea of information and, more than likely, misinformation. It’s impossible to know down from up, let alone what promotes wellness and what doesn’t. That is why we have created this guide for our readers, hoping that it will benefit you on your holistic journey and has hopefully demystified some of the more perplexing aspects of your body’s health and wellness.