Did you know that warming your home accounts for over 40 percent of your utility bills? What if you had an option that’ll save you the exorbitant amounts of money you spend on heating your home, particularly in the chilly winter season? Cheap, environmentally friendly, clean, these are just a few words to describe these phenomenal appliances.
These specific appliances have been appreciated for their nature as efficient and low-cost sources of heat in home settings. Studies have classified stove pellets as heating models with an optimal solar orientation that are likely to be in the 75 to 82 percent efficiency range.
These stoves generate heat by burning pellets derived from organic waste. They’ll come in the form of densely packed cylindrical pellets with ¼ inch diameters and ¼ to 1 ¼ inch lengths. They’re carbon dioxide-neutral, easier to use compared to wood-fueled stoves, and automatic.
Here are a few reasons to choose pellet stoves as the perfect sources of heat during winter.
Pellet stoves are carbon neutral
You wouldn’t want to use your hard-earned cash on something that will kill you slowly with carbon monoxide poisoning. Be rest assured that you will obtain comfortable sleep and wake up healthy and warm with your pellet stove.
In essence, the pellets used in these stoves are made from processed wood and organic waste materials. They burn 100 percent, produce more heat, leave little ash and will never clog with dust.
These stoves are automated
We live in a time where more appliances are remote controlled. Imagine having a stove that’ll burn or go off with the press of a button. Well, that is possible if you go for a pellet stove.
The pellet stove models available in the market today are programmable with inbuilt thermostats that regulate the pellet feed rate that are electricity-friendly.
On the other hand, other companies have developed gravity fed systems that eliminate the need to use electricity and mechanical power.
These stoves are environmentally friendly
This is the way to go if you need something that heats your home spaces without leaving residual harm on Mother Nature.
Pellet stoves are undoubtedly environmentally-friendly options compared to the traditional fire furnace and other forms of heating. The latter tends to leave a lot of ash and particles all over the place. These unique stoves give you the opportunity to enjoy the heat output without smoke. This leaves your home as fresh as it needs to be.
They have excellent performance
You want to invest in something that gives you the value for your money. The efficiency of a pellet stove will be way above 90 percent. This only translates to less than 10 percent in energy losses to the environment via the chimney.
That is much better than the traditional wood fireplaces, with efficiency rates ranging between 40 and 50 percent. On the other hand, heat sources like open fires will only attain an efficiency rate ranging between 5 and 15 percent.
These unique stoves are the way to go if you are looking for a home heating solution for the future winter months. They are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.
Besides, pellet stoves have a lifespan ranging between 10 and 20 years. They are safer than your gas heaters and warmer than your electric heaters.
However, you’ve got to be very careful when dealing with these stoves since low maintenance may lead to operational failures.
Story by Brad Bernanke