According to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the final 2013 production for Virginia wheat totaled 17.1 million bushels, 9 percent above last year’s crop. Area harvested for grain, at 275,000 acres, is 35,000 more than last year. Average yield in Virginia, at 62 bushels per acre, is 3 bushels below last year. Yield is down because of excessive rain.
Barley production for 2013 totaled 3.36 million bushels, 11 percent above last year’s crop. Planted acreage, at 67,000, is 2,000 more than last year. Area harvested for grain, at 41,000, is 4,000 more than last year. Yield, at 82 bushels per acre, is no change from last year. Barley yield is static because of excessive rain.
Oat production during 2013 totaled 140,000 bushels, 53 percent below the 2012 crop. Planted acreage, at 10,000, is 1,000 below 2012. Area harvested for grain, at 2,000, is 2,000 below the level set a year ago. Yield, at 70 bushels per acre, is down 5 bushels from last year. Oat production is down because harvested acreage is down; yield is down because of rain.