Waynesboro Schools said farewell and good luck to 18 teachers and staff members Tuesday evening who will retire at the end of this school year.
During a regular meeting of Waynesboro School Board on Tuesday evening, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Ryan Barber recognized the retirees in attendance.
“They show up every single day and they do everything they can to make a difference in the lives of students. They are dedicated, committed.” Barber said.
Five staff are retiring from Waynesboro High School: Marilou Foster, art teacher, Office Receptionist Donna Wolke, Charlie Cox, Earth Science and Astronomy teacher, Assessment Specialist Carol Butler and Spanish teacher Lisa Garcia.
Molly Via has taught in almost every school in the school system, and retires this year from Berkeley Glenn Elementary School. She taught first grade and was the school’s Teacher of the Year this year.
Two school nutrionists, Becky Deaver and Lisa Doyle will also retire.
Kate Collins Middle School Librarian and Media Specialist Karen Sellers will retire. Also retiring are James Brown, Becky Grove, Julia Hamrick and Judy Macey.
Westwood Hills Elementary School Instructional Assistant Mary Anson, Instructor Angelia Cole will retire.
Wayne Hills Center Custodian Ronald Carr will retire.
Alyson Bond will retire as Educational Diagnostician for Waynesboro Schools. Barber said he has known Bond for 18 of his 26 years in education. They worked together in Rockingham County Schools, and after Barber came to Waynesboro, he encouraged Bond to come to Waynesboro.
Elaine Moran retires as Barber’s secretary in the central office.
“Thank you for your service. We appreciate you all so much,” Barber said.