Home Virginia schools recognized for environmental literacy in the classroom
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Virginia schools recognized for environmental literacy in the classroom

Crystal Graham
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(© Romolo Tavani – stock.adobe.com)

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources is recognizing schools throughout the state that include environmental literacy in the classroom.

The Virginia Naturally school recognition program honors exemplary efforts undertaken to increase environmental awareness and stewardship among K-12 students.

Schools were evaluated based on two criteria:

  • Authentic, hands-on, real-world learning that takes place in the classroom, emphasizes environmental/sustainable education, and includes civic engagement and/or STEM connections.
  • Learning that expands beyond the classroom setting (often referred to as meaningful field experiences) to connect back to what students are learning in the classroom.

This year, 58 schools were recognized for their efforts during the 2023-24 school year. Of the 58 schools, 16 were recognized for the first time since the program’s inception in 2000.

Schools included Bessie Weller Elementary School in Staunton and Linville-Edom and John Wayland elementary schools in Rockingham County.

The Virginia Naturally schools had close to 39,000 students participate during the last school year which will increase environmental awareness and stewardship in Virginia.

2023-24 schools

School system Name of school
Arlington County Jamestown Elementary
Bristol Virginia Virginia High
Caroline County Caroline Middle
Chesapeake Bay Governor’s Chesapeake Bay Governor’s
Fairfax County Belvedere Elementary
Fairfax County Daniels Run Elementary
Fairfax County Katherine Johnson Middle
Fairfax County Providence Elementary
Fairfax County Westlawn Elementary
Gloucester County Abingdon Elementary
Gloucester County Peasley Middle
Hanover County Patrick Henry High
Henrico County Elko Middle
Henrico County Fairfield Middle
Henrico County Gayton Elementary
Henrico County Glen Allen Elementary
Henrico County Maybeury Elementary
Henrico County Montrose Elementary
Henrico County Pemberton Elementary
Henrico County Three Chopt Elementary
Henrico County Tuckahoe Middle
Loudoun County Blue Ridge Middle
Loudoun County Farmwell Station Middle
Loudoun County Woodgrove High
Martinsville City Albert Harris Elementary
Pittsylvania County Gretna Middle
Prince William County Bel Air Elementary
Prince William County Belmont Elementary
Prince William County Coles Elementary
Prince William County Dale City Elementary
Prince William County Forest Park High
Prince William County Freedom High
Prince William County Gar-Field Senior High
Prince William County George P Mullen Elementary
Prince William County Henderson Elementary
Prince William County Mountain View Elementary
Prince Willian County Neabsco Elementary
Prince William County Patriot High
Prince William County Rockledge Elementary
Private/Independent School Burgundy Farm Country Day
Private/Independent School Central Montessori
Private/Independent School Highland School
Private/Independent School New Life Preschool
Private/Independent School North Branch School
Private/Independent School Piedmont Child Care Center
Private/Independent School Seven Hills School
Private/Independent School Village School
Roanoke County Glenvar High
Rockbridge County Central Elementary
Rockbridge County Maury River Middle
Rockbridge County Mountain View Elementary
Rockingham County John Wayland Elementary
Rockingham County Linville-Edom Elementary
Scott County Gate City Middle
Spotsylvania County Post Oak Middle
Staunton City Bessie Weller Elementary
Virginia Beach City Kempsville Middle
Williamsburg-James City County Walsingham Academy

Environmental education efforts support the Virginia Department of Education’s Profile of a Virginia Graduate by developing students’ communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creative thinking and civic responsibility.

For more information please visit: https://dwr.virginia.gov/education/school-recognition/

Crystal Graham

Crystal Graham

Crystal Abbe Graham is the regional editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1999 graduate of Virginia Tech, she has worked for 25 years as a reporter and editor for several Virginia publications, written a book, and garnered more than a dozen Virginia Press Association awards for writing and graphic design. She was the co-host of "Viewpoints," a weekly TV news show, and co-host of Virginia Tonight, a nightly TV news show on PBS. Her work on "Virginia Tonight" earned her a national Telly award for excellence in television.