Home U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Level playing field for all retailers
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U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Level playing field for all retailers


A broad collection of business and trade groups called on House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte to move forward on online sales tax collection this year by turning his principles into legislative language.

tax-headerThe letter from the Marketplace Fairness Coalition asks Goodlatte to take a set of principles he released last fall tax to write a bill. Goodlatte has expressed concerns with the Senate-passed Marketplace Fairness Act and said he wants to beef up protections against audits for small businesses and potentially remove a small-seller exemption.

The letter was signed by long-time supporters of the effort to give states the authority to mandate online and out-of-state retailers collect sales tax including Target and Wal-Mart.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also signed onto the coalition’s letter – marking one of the first times the trade group actively pushed for a federal solution.”



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