“It was the Lord working,” my mother-in-law insisted, and though I wasn’t willing to go quite that far, even I had to concede that there was … something … to the story of the dog that was lost and now was found.
It all started Friday night when she let Tammer, my sister-in-law’s family dog who was visiting with grandma for the week, out to do her business. My mother-in-law lives in a subdivision above Waynesboro on Afton Mountain, beautiful but a bit remote, and when Tammer didn’t return and hadn’t been seen or heard from the next morning, we were obviously worried and fearful for the worst.
We took turns driving up and down the mountain road looking for her and calling for her, to no avail, most of the day Saturday and into Saturday night.
By Sunday, I wouldn’t say hope had been lost, but …
My wife and her mom decided to do some flower shopping on Mother’s Day, and upon leaving their last stop at Wal-Mart came upon Tammer in the front yard of a home across the road from the shopping center.
“That’s Tammer!” my mother-in-law screamed, and drove in hot pursuit and eventually caught up to the pooch on foot.
Dog and family have been reunited.
I’m still not convinced that this was anything more than coincidence.
OK, it was an amazing coincidence. You know, to find a lost dog four miles from where you’d last seen it by chance driving out from the Wal-Mart.
Even so …
– Column by Chris Graham