National parks have served as a source of inspiration to countless artists during the last century. This year, Shenandoah National Park joins the service to debut our first Artist-in-Residence program. One selected artist will have the opportunity to live, work, and contemplate the wonders of Shenandoah National Park. The residency will take place during a two-week period in the month of September 2014.
Shenandoah National Park’s Artist-in-Residence program invites visual artists (drawing, painting, and photography) to apply for this year’s residency program. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act and in celebration of Shenandoah’s own unique Wilderness, the 2014 residency will reflect Wilderness inspired work. Artwork completed under the program will serve to deepen the understanding and appreciation of Shenandoah National Park through the vision of the selected artist.
You can obtain program information and the application online from our park website at