Salvation Army staff and volunteers are preparing once again to share the joy of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons with those in the greatest need, and this year, more than ever, they are calling on the public to help.
Cpt. Mike Good, corps officer for The Salvation Army’s Staunton Corps, said The Army will be serving people in the Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta area through a wide variety of programs.
“Our service this year will include providing a Thanksgiving dinner to hundreds of local families, Christmas food baskets to approximately 850 families, toys to over 1,600 children, and Christmas gifts to over 3,100 correctional facility inmates and nursing home residents through our League of Mercy Program. Altogether, our work will touch the lives of approximately 5,600 individuals in the Staunton and Western Augusta area this year,” Good said.
In order to serve these thousands of people, Good and Waynesboro Corps Officer Lt. J.B. Blevins are inviting the public to partner with The Salvation Army in their effort.
“Each year, we depend upon the generosity of the public and their support of our Turkey Drive, our Angel Tree, our Christmas Kettle, and our Santa Sack Programs. It is through these programs that we are able to collect a large portion of the toys and gifts that we provide to the people we serve. I can think of no better way to get in the Holiday spirit than to help provide a rewarding Thanksgiving or Christmas experience for others. We desperately need volunteers to donate turkeys, staff our Red Kettles, adopt our Angels, and fill our Santa Sacks with toys for our kids,” Good said.
Additionally, in light of the increasing economic uncertainties, The Salvation Army is also counting on the public’s voluntary donations of its time and talent. According to Good, “Volunteer support is more important this year than ever. Every need that is met through volunteer help makes our limited financial resources go even further. It means that there is more funding available to put into direct assistance to those in our community in greatest financial need.”
Individuals, groups, churches, businesses, and organizations interested in supporting The Salvation Army are asked to contact their respective Salvation Army office quickly so that The Army can best organize its assistance efforts. People in Staunton/Western Augusta should call the Staunton office at 540.885.8157. Residents of Waynesboro/Eastern Augusta should call the Waynesboro office at 540.943.7591.
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. The Salvation Army has been active in the Greater Augusta area since 1912 and has touched the lives of over 20,000 individuals this past year. The Salvation Army in Waynesboro is a United Way Participating Agency.