Del. Sam Rasoul (D-Roanoke) has filed HB 2434, a bill that would establish community schools. If passed, a pilot program would see public elementary and secondary schools serve as resource centers for programs and services for students and families. The offerings would be based on the unique needs of the student population to be served.
“Community schools recognize that many factors influence learning and not all of them take place within the walls of a school,” said Rasoul. “Education is not one-size-fits-all, and different regions have different needs. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘it takes a village.’ With community schools, we are able to harness the power of partnerships with area resources and organizations to build stronger families, more well-rounded students, and more cohesive neighborhoods.”
The Coalition for Community Schools acknowledges three main areas of implementation:
- Provide expanded leaning opportunities that are motivating and engaging during the day, after school, and in the summer
- Offer essential health and support services
- Engage families and communities as assets in the lives of their children and youth
HB 2434 will be introduced in the General Assembly when the 2016 session convenes in January.