A Public Policy Polling survey of Fifth District voters conducted on Oct. 21-22 had Democrat Cameron Webb with a slight lead over Republican Bob Good.
The PPP survey had the race at Webb 46, Good 43, with 11 percent undecided.
The numbers are in line with other recent polling in the Fifth District that has put Webb ahead in a close race with Good.
This in a district that gave Donald Trump a 13-percent majority over Hillary Clinton in 2016.
The PPP numbers have Trump with a much smaller lead over Joe Biden in the Fifth District, which stretches from the Northern Virginia exurbs, through Charlottesville-Albemarle, all the way to the North Carolina border.
Last week’s poll had Trump at 50 percent in the Fifth District, with Biden at 47 percent.
The poll also had Sen. Mark Warner running a point ahead of Republican Daniel Gade in the Fifth.
Statewide polls have Warner comfortably ahead of Gade, trending in the 15-20 point range, in his re-election campaign.
Story by Chris Graham