Pamplin Historical Park & The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier hosted the Fort Lee Civilian Military Council with Dinwiddie County on Nov. 7.
Nearly 80 people were in attendance from Fort Lee and across Central Virginia. This quarterly luncheon of the Fort Lee Civilian-Military Council, established in 1986, promotes cooperation, understanding and communication between Fort Lee and local communities.
Dinwiddie County Administrator, Kevin Massengill welcomed the group of civilian and military leaders from across the region in the rotunda of The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier at Pamplin Historical Park located in Dinwiddie County. The civilian leadership represented the localities of Dinwiddie, Hopewell, Petersburg, Prince George, Richmond, Chesterfield and Colonial Heights.
Pamplin Historical Park Executive Director, Jerry Desmond, greeted council members and provided a brief overview of the Park and it’s role in the Petersburg Campaign of the American Civil War. A presentation of colors was then made by a color party from Pamplin Historical Park, which were attired in Civil War soldier’s uniforms. Mr. Massengill then led the attendees in the pledge of allegiance before the retirement of the colors.
Each of the representatives spoke about highlights from the respective counties to include grants, new business openings, upcoming special events and other activities that might impact the greater Fort Lee military community. Mr. Denny Morris, Executive Director, Crater Planning District, provided an update on an economic impact study prior to the five minute highlights from each local community.
Mr. John Hall, SES, Deputy to the Commanding General of Combined Arms Support Command & Fort Lee made the opening remarks and stressed the importance of local communities working in partnership with the military community at Fort Lee. The main topic of off-post housing was discussed by Al Williams, Fort Lee Housing Chief and Ms. Lois Brown, Fort Lee Chief of Housing Services.
Lastly, Colonel Hollie Martin, Fort Lee Garrison Commander provided highlights from the Fort before making her closing remarks.