Eligible Virginia residents who need health coverage are being encouraged to enroll in a health plan on the Virginia Insurance Marketplace before the Open Enrollment Period ends on Wednesday.
Virginians who enroll on or before 11:59 p.m. Wednesday will have coverage that begins on Feb. 1.
“We encourage all Virginians who haven’t enrolled in a health plan to visit our website and shop for plans before the January 15 deadline,” said Keven Patchett, director of the Virginia Insurance Marketplace. “With translation services in over 15 languages and free one-on-one help from over 4,500 agents and assisters, we are making sure every Virginian has the resources and support they need to find the coverage that’s right for them.”
The Marketplace, operated by the Virginia Health Benefit Exchange, a division of the State Corporation Commission, provides a variety of resources and support for Virginians to find affordable health coverage that fits their needs and budgets.
Nine out of 10 households qualify for financial assistance through the Marketplace. Individual and family plans are available to eligible Virginians, including those who are unemployed, are self-employed, or have jobs that don’t provide affordable insurance options.
Every health plan offered on the Marketplace covers the 10 essential health benefits required by law, which include emergency services, pregnancy and childbirth services, and prescription drugs.
After the Open Enrollment Period concludes on Wednesday, Virginians will not be able to enroll in a health plan on the Marketplace until next year’s open enrollment unless they experience a Qualifying Life Event, such as having a baby or losing health insurance.
Visit Marketplace.Virginia.gov to browse and compare health insurance plans.
For additional help, either online or in person, you can access the following resources:
- The Marketplace Help Center can connect Virginians to someone either in person or on the phone. Free translation services are also available.
- Virginians can check their eligibility for cost saving programs and compare health insurance plans using the Plan Comparison Tool.
- The FAQ page answers some of the most common questions about the Marketplace.