Home New TV ad hits Cuccinelli in the Santorum
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New TV ad hits Cuccinelli in the Santorum


A new Democratic Party of Virginia TV ad plays up former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum’s extreme views on the eve of the one-time GOP presidential contender’s visit to Virginia to campaign for Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli.

Among the lowlights is a reminder of the comment made by Santorum that women who have been raped should “make the most of a bad situation.”

And another comment, this one from Cuccinelli, in which the nominee says he is surprised that God has not yet “judged” the united states for giving women the right to make their own healthcare decisions.

“In the final days of a statewide race, candidates make their best pitch to voters about what kind of leader they will be if elected. In Ken Cuccinelli’s case, that means campaigning with fellow extreme anti-women’s health care crusader Rick Santorum,” said DPVA spokesman Brian Coy.

“While Virginians are looking for a governor who will put jobs and the economy first, Ken Cuccinelli is making sure voters know that nothing comes before his and Rick Santorum’s extreme ideological agenda.”



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