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McAuliffe signs executive order on reducing energy consumption in Virginia government


Governor-McAuliffeToday at an award ceremony honoring the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) energy efficiency efforts at the dmv Headquarters building in Richmond, Governor Terry McAuliffe signed Executive Order 31 to reduce energy consumption in state government.

dmv received the “Energy Efficiency Leader Award” in recognition of the agency’s leadership in reducing its environmental impact.  The project was completed through the Virginia Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) program, which allows state agencies to partner with private sector vendors to improve environmental systems at state-owned buildings at no cost to the taxpayers.  These improvements are paid with the savings generated from upgrading to more efficient environmental systems.

Executive Order 31 instructs all executive branch agencies, authorities, departments, and all institutions of higher education to proactively pursue energy efficiency measures, especially EPC, to reduce energy consumption.  The EO also appoints Hayes Framme as Chief Energy Efficiency Officer within the administration to oversee the planning, implementation, and measurement of energy efficiency throughout state government.

In signing the executive order, Governor McAuliffe said, “Reducing energy consumption in state government will save taxpayers money, strengthen our energy efficiency industry and decrease Virginia’s greenhouse gas emissions. It will also set an example for businesses and families of steps that we can all take to make Virginia the most energy efficient state in the nation.”

The Governor added, “The Department of Motor Vehicles has shown tremendous leadership in proactively seeking out energy efficiency measures that reduce consumption, reduce costs, and save taxpayer dollars.  The savings achieved in this project are fantastic, 36% energy consumption reduction and annual energy savings of $284,000.  Energy efficiency makes good business sense and is a responsible way to ensure each taxpayer dollar is as productive as possible.”



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