James Madison University has published a COVID-19 dashboard, which will include a number of data points including positive cases in JMU students and employees.
The dashboard will be updated daily Monday-Friday with both daily and accumulated (7-day moving average) data.
The dashboard can be found here.
JMU’s Testing Strategy
Per CDC and VDH guidelines, at this time the University Health Center (UHC) is focused on testing symptomatic individuals. If requested, the UHC will test individuals who are a close contact to someone who has tested positive. However, close contacts who test negative will still be required to complete the quarantine period due to the incubation period of this virus. Data also includes screening tests performed on athletes. Also, note that not all positive cases are present on campus. There are many students and staff who are working, learning or teaching remotely and have been for some time. The size of our campus community totals nearly 22,000 students and over 3,840 employees.
Student Self-Reporting
Due to patient privacy laws, the university is not able to verify self-reported positive cases. This number represents students who got tested at off-campus healthcare providers, and notified the UHC or Dean of Students of their status. Students should report any positive test result to the University Health Center by calling 540-568-6178 during business hours or by self-reporting on this website.
Employee Self-Reporting
Due to patient privacy laws, the university is not able to verify self-reported employee provided positive cases. This number represents employees who got tested at off-campus healthcare providers, and notified JMU HR or Occupational Health Nurse of their status. Employees must notify their supervisor or Academic Unit Head if they receive a positive COVID-19 test. They may also contact the JMU Occupational Health Nurse at (540) 568-5310.
Availability of Quarantine and Isolation Space
Students that live both on and off campus are being asked to return home, to their families, if possible to isolate and/or quarantine. If an on-campus student is unable to return home for any number of reasons, the university will use these locally available spaces to isolate and/or quarantine.
More information on the university’s response to COVID-19 can be found on JMU’s Stop the Spread website.