Home House Democrats release Terrible Bill Watch List
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House Democrats release Terrible Bill Watch List


virginia democratsHouse Democrats are highlighting some of the bills that are the most troubling introduced in the 2016 session.

The Terrible Bill Watch List, while not comprehensive, provides samples of the legislation that House Republicans have been introducing for years that distract focus from the reasons why citizens sent us to Richmond.

“Again this year, we are seeing Republicans in the House introduce numerous bills that would promote the gun lobby, weaken women’s reproductive rights, limit the right to vote, and turn back the clock on social equality,” said David J. Toscano, House Democratic Leader. “House Democrats, on the other hand, are working tirelessly to pass legislation that helps build the New Virginia Economy, ensure our citizens are safe, and creates a level playing field of opportunity, whether in the workplace or classroom.”


Gun legislation

  • HB 1163 – Reverses the Attorney General’s recent decision to decrease the number of states with which we share concealed carry permit reciprocity. Erodes the sound protections that have been in our concealed permit legislation for years, allowing persons from states with weaker controls to carry concealed firearms in the Commonwealth.
  • HB 560 –Weakens what is necessary to find a person guilty of brandishing a weapon. Under the bill, you must cause fear or harm. This will make it more difficult for the police to charge and convict people who threaten to harm others.
  • HB 83 –Prohibits state government and its employees from enforcing federal background checks or gun laws.
  • HB 260 –Weakens local law enforcement’s ability to restrict extreme firearms such as machine guns.
  • HB 206 & HB 273: Makes it easier to purchase a firearm by only requiring one form of identification at time of purchase.
  • HB 1055: Allows unsecured firearms to be carried in foster care homes.
  • HB 593 & HB 132: Allows concealed guns to be carried by any employee in state buildings. If guns are banned on state property, the state would be required to carry liability coverage to compensate any concealed carry permit holder who is injured in a gun-related incident.
  • HB 79 & HB 133: Allows guns on college campuses, whether or not the college objects. If guns are banned on college campuses, the college would be required to carry liability insurance to compensate any concealed carry permit holder who is injured in a gun-related incident.
  • HB 76: Allows concealed guns to be carried by faculty and staff in schools.



  • HB 773: Kim Davis inspired bill that discriminates against same-sex couples dealing with any government entity – from clerks of court to school sports coaches. The bill would prohibit government from taking action against employees who refuse to do their job because it goes against their personal religious beliefs, and would allow clerks and others to refuse to provide service if they have a religious objection to doing so.
  • HB 781: Discriminates against transgender people. Establishes that gender designation for restrooms, etc. in schools must be based on anatomical or biological sex, not gender identification.
  • HB 431: Discriminates against transgender people. Sex of a person cannot be altered on a birth certificate, even after gender-altering procedures. If passed, could create confusion and incongruencies between different official and governmental documents.
  • HB 249: Belittles women who wish to serve their nation in uniform. Women applying to serve in the National Guard must be warned that they may face combat duty.
  • HB 77: Discriminates against the LGBT community. Any federal discrimination law passed in 2012 or later will not apply in Virginia.
  • HB 385: Discriminates against the LGBT community. Bans local governments or school boards from having a discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation or gender identity.



  • HJ 29 and HR 19: Denounces a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion. Asserts that life begins at fertilization, and claims that Roe v. Wade was based on false science.
  • HB 963: Restricts a woman’s right to choose. Bans abortions past 20 weeks with very limited exception.
  • HB 556: Makes a woman who seeks an abortion a child abuser. Includes fetuses as potential child abuse victims.
  • HB 338: Leaves thousands of Virginians without access to affordable health care. Would end the funding and execution of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in Virginia.



  • HB 852 & HB494: Bans refugees from settling in Virginia. No agency of the Commonwealth can assist federal agents to settle or relocate refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, or Sudan.



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