On the first day of Medicare open enrollment, it became clear that due to a quirk in federal law, millions of Medicare beneficiaries could see their premiums increase by about 50 percent next year. Even more, including many vulnerable retirees, could see their deductibles increase by about 50 percent as well.
The following is a statement from Hillary Clinton:
“I am deeply concerned by how this could harm Medicare beneficiaries. This is outrageous and senseless, and Congress must act to fix the law.
“I support efforts by the Obama administration and Democratic leaders in Congress to try to resolve this quickly. At a time when out-of-pocket medical costs are already rising, we cannot afford to let Republican obstructionism pile additional costs on our seniors. I urge the Republican candidates for President to call on their congressional majority to end the games and protect our seniors.
“As President, I will fight for seniors. I’ll defend the Affordable Care Act. I’ll fight to let Medicare negotiate drug prices to lower costs for seniors. And I’ll protect Medicare from Republicans committed to ‘phase it out,’ as one GOP candidate said. We cannot afford to let Republicans stop the progress we’ve made and push further harmful cuts to the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and the programs our seniors rely on most. Our seniors deserve better than that. That’s what I’ll deliver.”