Home Dog Days of Summer: Time to get a free hearing screening
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Dog Days of Summer: Time to get a free hearing screening


hearing-health-careThe dog days of summer are upon us, and that can only mean one thing! It’s summertime in Virginia! August brings so much fun, from baseball games to the county fair to trips to the beach to hiking the Blue Ridge on a cool summer evening.

Are you or a loved one missing out on hearing all the sounds of summer?

From the sounds of the crack of a bat on a home run to the tunes from a summer concert, from the splash of a wave against your feet in the water to the loud silence from a mountain vista … we believe you deserve to hear everything that summer has to offer.

For a limited time, contact Hearing Healthcare of Virginia for …
Free Hearing Screening
Free Product Demonstration
– $1000 Off a Set of Hearing Aids
Three Year Warranty

Hearing Healthcare of Virginia feels you deserve to hear every moment of life.

Schedule your free screening now!
(888) 512-1164



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