Crime data from the Albemarle County Police Department released Monday shows that the COVID-19 lockdown has had impacts on social behavior beyond public health.
Property crime increased 31 percent in April compared to a five-year average of the same time period. This, according to ACPD, can be attributed to larcenies from sheds and properties.
Trespassing incidents increased over 40 percent between March 1 and May 2 compared to the three-year average of the same time period.
Disorder incidents decreased 8 percent between March 1 and May 2 compared to the 3-year average of the same time period.
Domestic violence calls for service from January to May were 31 percent higher when compared to a three-year average of the same time. A similar increase of 37 percent can be seen when comparing the number of calls during just the stay-at-home order time period (March 1- May 2) to a three-year average of the same time.