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Community Foundation now accepting grant applications


comm foundationThe Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge announces the opening of their 2015 grant application cycle.  Nonprofit organizations either located in or serving Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta, Nelson, and Highland counties are eligible and encouraged to apply.

The Community Foundation supports a wide range of charitable activities, including the arts, health and human services, education, and much more.  Since its inception in 1992, the Foundation has reinvested over $6 million into our community through its various grant programs.

The first application deadline of 2015, which is for grants to be distributed by the Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Council (YPC), is Monday, January 12YPC grants specifically support organizations providing important opportunities for teen development.

Nonprofit organizations interested in receiving support from any of the Foundation’s grant programs should review the various deadlines, instructions and applications on the Community Foundation website at www.communityfoundationcbr.orgat their earliest convenience.  Following the YPC grant application deadline, the Foundation welcomes applications for its largest annual grants program through February 9.

“Through our Community Grants program, our donor-advised funds, agency and designated funds, scholarships and special awards, we anticipate returning well over $750,000 to the community in 2015,” noted Dan Layman, CEO.  “Knowing that the need for funding far exceeds what we currently have available to award,” added Layman, “we are committed to helping each applicant put their best foot forward, and encourage them to contact the Foundation to discuss their ideas as they develop their application.”

The Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge serves the communities of Staunton and Waynesboro, as well as Augusta, Nelson and Highland counties. As one of the largest philanthropic institutions in the area, the Foundation is committed to careful stewardship of, engagement with, and thoughtful investment in our region’s future.

For questions concerning the Foundation’s 2015 grant opportunities, please contact Susan Lendermon, Director of Nonprofit Services, at [email protected].



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