Home ClineWatch: Ben Cline is dutifully outraged
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ClineWatch: Ben Cline is dutifully outraged


After the FBI executed a search warrant for presidential documents at Donald Trump’s home in Florida, Sixth District Congressman Ben Cline dutifully joined the chorus of Republican outrage.

On his congressional Facebook page, he posted:

Actually, Congressman, executing a legal search warrant approved by a federal judge based on evidence of possible criminality is precisely what many third world countries do not do.

On his campaign Facebook page, Cline complained:

But never have we had a former president like Trump before– who believes that the laws which apply to everyone else do not apply to him.

As Cline certainly knows, under the Presidential Records Act, a former president may not keep in his or her personal possession any documents related to his or her presidency.

And if any of those documents are classified, it’s a felony punishable by up to five years in prison– thanks to then-President Trump.

Congressman Cline: Either you believe the law should be enforced or you don’t. Which is it?

Either you believe no one is above the law or you don’t. Which is it?

If you don’t, please don’t ever tell us again that you are on the side of law enforcement.

Gene Zitver is the author of ClineWatch.



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