Chincoteague Island is now in Phase Two of the Forward Virginia Plan to reopen the Commonwealth.
Many restrictions have been lifted, indoor dining is available, pools are open, boat cruises are running and so much more.
Restaurants are now open for inside dining, but a picnic at the beach or at one of the waterfront parks in town with take out from a fabulous restaurant or food truck can still be fun after spending hours on the calm waters of the Assateague and Chincoteague Channels in canoe, kayak, or boat.
Swimming, sunbathing, hiking, or fishing can be enjoyed at Assateague Island National Seashore located within the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, which is open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. beginning June 12.
Count the new foals in the Chincoteague Wild Pony herd if you can. You can see them from the nature trails, driving or biking along Beach Road or along the marshes of the Assateague Channel by boat.
Rent a motorized scooter or low speed vehicle to explore the island at a leisurely pace if pedaling is not your speed.
Nature cruises around the islands, guided history walking tours, mini golf, and of course, shopping will fill your days.
Dinner at one of the beautiful restaurants on the Chincoteague Channel, waterfront park, or hotel balcony will afford a captivating sunset to end your fun-filled day.
Before You Visit
- Social distancing will continue: allow 6 feet between yourself and another person
- Social gatherings of 50 people or less are permitted
- Face coverings are required in all businesses and public buildings
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently
- Town public restrooms are open
- Restaurants may seat up to 50% capacity inside with social distancing
- Gyms, pools, indoor exercise facilities may open with some restrictions
- Indoor church services may resume at 50% capacity and social distancing
- Salons, spas, massage therapists, barber shops by appointment with requirements
- Beaches are open for all recreational use as well as fishing.
Check and the “What’s Open on CI?” page before you visit for any additional information.