Joyce Nussbaum, CDSME Coordinator, and Perlista (PY) Henry, CDSMP leader, made a presentation to the 14 Bath Community Senior Center members, two potential new BCSC members, one caregiver, and three staff members present on April 22.
Joyce explained to the group that 2.2 million Virginians have a chronic condition (any physical or mental condition that will not get better over time) and that most individuals will have two or more chronic diseases in their lifetime. PY told the group that she learned a lot in leader training about how to manage her own conditions, that she feels it is a very valuable program and she’s looking forward to working with it. She briefly shared the symptom cycle and an overview of the Self-Management Tool Box and that it is much easier to accomplish things that you have committed to in goal writing. The BCSC members enthusiastically embraced the concept and were immediately ready to devote six of their Monday mornings to this workshop! Joyce Ryder, Center Director, added that they can be the publicity in the community for this program after they learn these self-management tips. Because there are already enough BCSC members anxious to participate, this will be a somewhat “closed group”. It is scheduled for May 6 through mid-June.
Following the presentation, Joyce Nussbaum, PY and Kathryn met with nursing staff at Bath Community Hospital and have tentatively scheduled the second Bath County CDSMP workshop for July 11-Aug. 15 in Millboro.
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