WHAT: “Beers and Brews: What do Young People Want from Staunton?”
WHERE: Redbeard Brewing, 120 S. Lewis Street in Staunton (near the Wharf)
WHEN: Friday, January 17, 2014 from 5-7pm
WHO: Sponsored by Councilman Erik Curren
WHY: Like many smaller cities and rural communities, Staunton has long suffered a “brain drain” as our high school graduates leave for college and then don’t come back to live. Instead, they move to big cities where the jobs and attractions are. In the future, as communities begin to compete for younger workers, to thrive Staunton needs to become more friendly to the Millennial Generation. What will that mean — More and better jobs for young people? Entrepreneurial opportunities? More walkable neighborhoods? This informal discussion over beers will be our chance to find out what young people want from Staunton and consider how we might be able to make it happen.
INFO: Background article at Councilman Curren Website: http://erikcurren.com/2014/01/
CONTACT: Councilman Erik Curren (540) 466-6128.