The stress over returning to school can be a lot for families. Waynesboro Public Schools are trying to make it a little easier for students to prepare to the return to school by offering a Back to School Bash event on July 24 and 31.
The events will be held at Kate Collins Middle School at 1625 Ivy Street in Waynesboro. It is the second year that WPS have offered the event.
Last year, more than 1,000 families received services including haircuts, sports physicals, school entry vaccines and COVID-19 vaccinations.
In addition to these services, this year’s events will also include:
- Forms for assistance with school supplies
- School registration assistance
- Parent/caregiver classes to help people understand the particulars of having a student in school; such as how to monitor grades, set up accounts, and understand the school calendar.
- Healthy fruits and vegetables
- Numerous community resources
- Fun and games for students of all ages
“I am proud to be part of a community that cares so deeply for our students and their success in school,” said Dr. Ryan Barber, assistant superintendent for WPS. “By supporting students and families our community demonstrates the importance of education and the great promise that lies in our amazing students.”
Families are asked to pre-register for the event.
- Back To School Bash July 24 registration link – English
- Back To School Bash July 24 registration link – Spanish
Registration for the July 31st event will be released the week of the event.