Home Augusta Health COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Update: Expanded access coming next week
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Augusta Health COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Update: Expanded access coming next week

augusta health covid-19 vaccines
Photo courtesy Augusta Health.

It’s been a very busy week at Augusta Health’s expanded COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics, and the pace will continue to pick up through the next week.

As large, public Vaccination Clinics continued on the Augusta Health campus during the week of March 15, many off-campus efforts were conducted throughout the community:

  • On March 15, one mobility clinic for those with difficult navigating the public clinic.
  • On March 17, March 18 and March 19, second doses were given on-site to residents of Springdale Apartments, Gypsy Hill Place and Fairfax Hall
  • On March 19, a large clinic for 850 residents of Rockbridge County at the Vaccination Center in Lexington

March 19 was an especially busy day because Augusta Health conducted three clinics at Fairfax Hall, in Lexington and on the Augusta Health campus simultaneously.

A Vaccination Clinic, with interpreters, will focus on the Latinx community in Waynesboro on Sunday. This clinic is already completely booked at capacity. An additional Drive-Through mobility clinic will be held on Friday, March 26.

Those who would like to access this clinic should email [email protected] and provide contact information to be scheduled.

Need for Volunteers

As vaccine supply increases and the number of Vaccination Clinics scheduled can also increase, there is a significant need for additional volunteers to staff the events. Each large clinic requires 50 to 60 staff, and our community volunteers make the clinics possible. More are needed, though—both medical and non-medical.

To volunteer, email [email protected]

Criteria Changing on Tuesday, March 23

Beginning with the clinic on Tuesday, March 23, criteria for vaccination will be expanded. The age range for those with underlying health conditions will be adjusted. Criteria will be:

  • Healthcare workers
  • All age 65+
  • Age 16-64 with underlying health conditions
  • All essential workers
  • Residency expands to Central Shenandoah Health District: Counties of Bath, Highland, Augusta Rockingham and Rockbridge and the cities of Buena Vista, Lexington, Staunton, Waynesboro and Harrisonburg.

The new scheduling process allows residents to schedule appointments directly from updated Vaccination Portal. Information about new clinics, the links and the criteria for each link, are posted daily.

Go vaccinate.augustahealth.com to view the links and schedule an appointment.



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