Monday, Oct. 5: Make Your Mark! Bookmark Contest begins. Part of the “Picturing America/We the People” program. Pick up contest rules at any library location. Preschool through age 18. Contest ends Nov. 7. Free. Augusta County Library, 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Oct. 5, 2 pm: Book Club for Grown-ups. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287
Monday, Oct. 5, 6:30 pm: Chess Knights – Learn to play, discover new strategies, challenge others. Free. Augusta County Library, 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 10 am: First Tuesday Book Club. Ages 18 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 3 pm: Middlebrook Quilters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 6:30 pm: Made in China. A night of Chinese culture. Experience Chinese food, massage, poetry, martial arts, calligraphy, feng shui. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 8, 11 am: Second Thursday Book Club. Ages 18 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 8, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2 pm: Fall Family Fun Fest. Pumpkin bowling, pumpkin painting, face painting, and scarecrow creating. (Bring an old shirt, pants & tights; we’ll provide the rest.) Please register by 10/7. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Oct. 12, 6:30 pm: Fantabulous Family Fun. Storytime for all ages. Free. Youth program room, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 9:30 or 11 am: Terrific Toddler Time. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 2-3 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 4 pm: Second Tuesday Book Club. Ages 18 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 15, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age 2 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 15, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 15, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Saturday, Oct. 17, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Saturday, Oct. 17, 6:30 pm: Food Fear Factor! Really gross stuff to eat. Prizes and barf bags provided. For teens, ages 11-18. Please register – IF YOU DARE – by 10/15. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
October 19-24: TEEN READ WEEK. Free. Augusta County Library, 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Oct. 19, 6:30 pm: Fantabulous Family Fun. Storytime for all ages. Free. Youth program room, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Oct. 19, 6:30 pm: Chess Knights – Learn to play, discover new strategies, challenge others. Free. Augusta County Library, 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 9:30 or 11 am: Terrific Toddler Time. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 2-3 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Wednesday, Oct. 21, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287
Wednesday, Oct. 21, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 22, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age 2 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Friday, Oct. 23, 6 pm: Edgar Allan Poe Returns. Scott Craig Jones brings Edgar Allan Poe back to life for a humorous chat with the audience and to present those riveting stories and poems: The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart and more. It’s Poe’s 200th birthday. Bring a candle for the cake. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Saturday, Oct. 24, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Saturday, Oct. 24, 2 pm: Strategerie! New family program. Sharpen your skills in Warhammer and other strategic battle games. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Oct. 26, 6:30 pm: Fantabulous Family Fun. Storytime for all ages. Free. Youth program room, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Oct. 26, 6:30 pm: Chess Knights – Learn to play, discover new strategies, challenge others. Free. Augusta County Library, 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 27 9:30 or 11 am: Terrific Toddler Time. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 2-3 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 29, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age 2 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 29, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Oct. 29, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Saturday, Oct. 31, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005