Lisa Bree Hoggarth either gives her audience a breath of fresh air or takes their breath away. Viewers last year had no choice but to call the authorities on her.
She does not make waves; she lights fires instead.
The model said, “I lit indoor house fires and posed in front of them.” Rolling her eyes, she expressed, “I was ostensibly trusted to stay sane whilst Melbourne was in a four-month stage five COVID lockdown. The fires were meant to be an expression for my star sign, which is Leo. Art, for others to glance at.” But at some point, people became concerned about her form of expression, and the authorities found out. “I got in trouble for it,” she remembers. On various occasions, she called herself “the only supermodel in the world” during 2020.
The fashion world was crying out. During 2020, industry experts were saying that the industry was broken-hearted to see more and more shops and businesses were shutting down. “Meanwhile, I was buying clothes online, doing my hair and makeup, posing, and posting more than ten times a day on Instagram. I tagged labels and wrote blogs. I said, ‘Let’s dress up!’ Fashion always had my back, so I thought it was time to give back. I worked extremely hard. It was my childhood dream to be a model. I was playing catch-up.” 2020 was the year she officially began modelling, and she began during the pandemic. “I worked my arse off, and I know I’m not the only supermodel in the world. I just didn’t see anyone else showing up and doing what I was doing. Everyone seemed to be at home in PJs all day long, depressed. I thought to be better—a leader, a force, an individual. I turned up the heat—well, I utilised that time.”
Instagram page hallways are runways, hacked and sold in April 2021, was inclusive to all when she made up the concept. Lisa pitched it to labels and wrote by hand to designers and Industry leaders. She wanted to be there for people—genuinely. But she said, “Who knows what they thought? They didn’t get my theme. I mean, they were boring and silent; is fashion mute? I’ve just inspired myself with a runway idea: masking tape over my mouth. I’ll represent all the labels who had zilch to say after I reached out. Well, it’s my idea for my runway. A runway named: Lisa Bree Hoggarth Runway. I’ll write brands names on the masking tape, stick it over my mouth—that’ll be my first runway show. That’s me modelling for them, they’ve got nothing to say!”
“But certainly, I am the only supermodel in the world—because who else did what I did?” Lisa didn’t have the best of the best, but used what she had, to make what she could and she’s proven herself to be a face that stands out in a crowd.
She’s one to watch! Lisa Bree Hoggarth is who hearts flutter to, and the blazing start of her modelling journey has left the movers and shakers dumbfounded. Literally playing with fire, The number “2” fire she created, from 2020, is on TikTok: lisabree7.
“Hollywood star Mickey Avalon shared me twice on his Instagram recently, add that”, she grabbed my pen and wrote with a xo. Lisa can be found on Instagram @lisahoggarthstyle.
Story by Binita Jana