No matter what compels you to sit down at your computer (or other smart device of your choice) to share your interests and passions with the Internet community, there will always be tricks to employ to make your posts more effective. In an environment saturated with information, with more and more website and blogs being published every second, it’s important to be able to stand out from the crowd.
The good news is there will always be an audience for a well-written blog, so if you can ensure your own content shines you can watch your monthly visitor stats growing. Here are five tips for knockout blog content. Even better. Following this advice will provide the platform to monetize your web presence.
Be precise
Always consider your potential readership. What you might consider burning issues are not necessarily universally accepted. It’s all about achieving a balance between producing engaging content that will arrest the attention of your site visitors and allow your passion for your subject to flare, while remaining unbiased and open to discussion. Even if your blog is noted for strong opinions, avoid contentious issues. This is particularly important when it comes to monetizing your blog by signing-up to an affiliate program that allows you to generate commission for selling products for a third party. You don’t want to risk alienating potential customers among your site visitors.
Employ content driven by issues
Keep your posts on-point. While your blog might command a loyal following it will only survive if you continue boosting your traffic. As many casual browsers will be reading your posts as fans, so they need to be inspired to return. Internet browsers are fickle, with a low attention span. You have to grab them with your blogs or they’ll simply click elsewhere. But once you do get them hooked you can maintain the interaction by offering them discounts on your affiliate products, or the opportunity to join email lists.
If you want to seriously consider monetizing your blog, you need to focus on content that engages your readers from the get-go. Focus on the product you’ve decided to sign-up to, but instead of blandly inserting hyperlinks to a sales page and hoping buyers will be tempted to click-through, give customers every reason to feel these items will be valuable to them. Write glowing reports; better still, purchase an example of the product yourself and then prepare a video review that will give a clear demonstration of its benefits. Entice your customers to really want a piece of the action. The crucial thing is to do all this within the context of your blog’s generic content and not come across as being so ‘salesy.’
Use numbered lists
One recommended way of getting readers hooked with your content is to give your posts an interesting title. One of the Internet trends (that is spilling onto our TV screens) is a numbered list (similar to the one you have alighted on at this moment!) Text readers much prefer when blocks are broken into more easily digestible chunks, using a numbered list (or bullet points).
Internal links
Another way of maintaining a high profile for your web presence is by focusing on building your position in search rankings. Search engines will reward well-written content that is appropriately seeded with keywords. They will also focus on how effectively visitors can navigate through your pages. Your networking strategy should include internal links to encourage users to springboard into other sites from your blog, such as the third party site you have signed-up to as an affiliate.
Build your network
To make the most out of its monetized status, your blog must inspire visitors to keep coming back. You can liaise with related sites by checking out affilate networks such as TopOffers. If you are still looking for a niche and enjoy relationships and people, why note consider the possibilities of an affiliate marketing dating site? One of the current top affiliates you’ll find on TopOffers is QuickFlirt. Check this out. These sites will give you a fantastic idea of the scope for popularity (and profitability) for your own blog.