Right, so it is kind of an obvious rule of thumb at this point during a global pandemic that hand sanitizer is absolutely essential.
But the trick to hand sanitizer working is that you actually have to use it for it to work!
The reason that hand sanitizer is one of the most recommended ways of self-defense against Covid-19 is that it is able to act quickly in killing any active threats that you may have come in contact with. So that way, you can leave your house knowing that you have a form of protection with you at all times and can go back to trying to enjoy your every day to day without living in constant fear.
Believe it or not, there are many people who aren’t yet aware of where exactly they should be using hand sanitizer. In our opinion, anywhere with a high contact area!
To help you out and ensure that you are using your hand sanitizer at the right times, here are the top places you should be washing your hands and hand sanitizing them!
At the airport
Seriously, think about it. There are so many high-contact touchpoints at the airport—most specifically at airport security. Because passengers are all touching the same bins they place their carry-on items in to get scanned. But what’s more, there is sure to be the same level of germs on the chairs, tables, and even on the airplane—no matter how much they are cleaned. So be sure to hand sanitize frequently at airports.
On public transportation
We commend you for taking public transportation as it is one of the best ways to help reduce your carbon footprint. But because it is a shared space and can only be cleaned so much throughout the day, public transportation is also a high-contact area where you are at risk for coming into contact with a whole range of germs, bacteria, and diseases. So before, during, and after your ride on public transportation, hand sanitize!
Shared outdoor spaces
Parks, gardens, and sporting fields are great places to get out in the sunshine and breathe in fresh oxygen. But they are also still ridden with germs. Whether that be shared drinking fountains, sports bleachers, park benches or play structures, there are some areas that the bad stuff can still thrive outside. So if you go to a shared outdoor space, bring that hand sanitizer along with you!
At a gym or fitness center
Alright, so working out is obviously one of the best things you can do for your body to stay healthy. But shared gyms or fitness centers have plenty of high-touch areas that simply can’t be cleaned all the time. Whether that be a barbell, spin bike, yoga mat or locker room, you are best to bring that hand sanitizer with you and use before and after your workout.
When you go out to eat
Restaurants always place hygiene and safety at the forefront of their business plan, but it is not 100% foolproof. It’s not their fault, it is just reality when so many people are coming in and out of a shared space. While you shouldn’t be nervous when dining out, it is always smart to have hand sanitizer with you just to ensure that your only memory of the restaurant is the great food you had, not the germs you picked up!
These five places are only some of many that you should have hand sanitizer with you. In general, we always recommend having a bottle of hand sanitizer with you wherever you go—just to be on the safe side.