In this day and age, having some basic tech knowledge at your fingertips is a must for everyone. Whether or not you need the knowledge at that point in time, you just have to take them on the go or bookmark them somewhere, knowing fully well that when the need finally arises, you can always pick from your inventory of digital knowledge.
It is in this light that we say that if you’re a frequent YouTube visitor, then this is a knowledge you don’t want to ignore. Often times, many of us spend a lot of time navigating through the YouTube app or website, when we could actually access the same features in little time, by simply clicking a few bars.
In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of keyboard shortcuts we believe will help simplify the way you navigate the YouTube video player, as well as access some of the basic features locked within the app.
Read on to make your next YouTube visit a seamless one!
Press Tab to go anywhere
Once your video begins playing, you can use the Tab button your keyboard to navigate and control various sections of the YouTube video player. For example, let’s say while a video is playing, you want to adjust the volume of the player. You don’t need to stress yourself moving the mouse to the volume button on the screen. Simply tap on the “Tab” button your keyboard, and you’ll be taken to the volume area on the screen.
The Tab button helps you cycle through the entire video player, moving from the video timeline to the play/pause button, mute to volume button, next video to settings button, full-screen mode to theater mode, and so much more. For each tap on the “Tab” button, you cycle to another feature on the player!
Play/pause your video from anywhere
Just like with any regular video player, you can Pause/Play a video on YouTube by simply hitting the spacebar or K key. As long as you have the video player selected, it doesn’t matter where you hit the K, or spacebar button from; your video will Pause/Play.
Copy with a single click
Perhaps you’ve seen a nice MP3 video you’d love to download on YouTube. But you first have to copy its link into your YouTube to MP3. You need not bother yourself highlighting the entire link in the address bar and then right-clicking to copy. Instead, simply tap on the address bar. And once it opens, click on “CTRL+C.” Voila, you have your download link and you’re ready to ListenToYouTube Mp3.
Go to any point of the video
Want to see what happens at the end of a video right from the start? Simply press 9. This will jump you through 90 percent of the video timeline. By and large, the number keys break the video timeline into tenths so that 1 jumps to 10 percent of the video; 3 jumps to 30 percent, and 5 takes you halfway through the video.
Restart your video
Why waste time scrolling through the screen to replay a video when you can easily restart a video with the 0 Key? Tap on Zero (0) anytime you wish to restart a video.
Super slow-mo
Sometimes to get a good grasp of some views, you just have to watch them in slow-mo. Don’t worry; there’s a shortcut for that on YouTube too. First and foremost, pause the video using the spacebar or K key. Once the video is paused, use the period Key (or full-stop, lol) to move forward one frame at a time. To move backward one frame at a time, use the comma Key.
Go forth or back by 10 seconds
This is one of the simplest YouTube shortcuts I enjoy the most. Want to skip a video forward by up to 10 seconds? Tap the “L” Key. Think you shouldn’t have done that, and now you want to go back 10 seconds earlier? No problem hit the “J” Key!
What makes these shortcuts even more exciting is the fact that they’re located on either side of the “K” Key, meaning that I get to pause, play, skip, or back my video with just a few taps.
Go forth or back by 5 seconds
Sometimes, a time-jump of 10 seconds might be too much. Instead, you just want something that takes you back to where the guy in the video gave that smile that caught your attention. No problem, use the left and right arrow keys to go forward and back by 5 seconds.
Adjust volume or mute sound
In case you accidentally hit the M key one day, just know that your video will lose sound, at least temporarily, until you unmute the video player. This is because the M key mutes the sound. However, if you’d like to raise or lower the volume of a video, you can use the up and down arrow keys.
Fullscreen mode
Everybody loves the fullscreen mode. It’s probably the best view on YouTube. But you don’t have to scroll your way there. You can simply tap on F to go fullscreen. And if you want to go out of fullscreen, use the Esc button to exit.