Test your movie knowledge in this month’s Wayne Theatre Alliance I’m a Star trivia contest.
This month each movie quote is from a movie that was made from a book.
Name the Movie Star who said the following quotes, and name the movie:
(Bonus points: name the author of the book!)
1982 “I don’t understand it. We get along great when we’re not together.”
2002 “Get comfortable, baby. I’ve got a full tank.”
1993 “You want to know something funny? You actually made me think about the law. I managed to go through three years of law school without doing that.”
1991 “Secret’s in the sauce.”
1991 “I do wish we could chat longer, but…I’m having an old friend for dinner. Bye.”
One winner will receive:
– One ticket to the Hamner Theater production of Daughters of the Appalachians, performed April 30 through May 10;
– PLUS a copy of the book The 39 Steps by John Buchan, made into a classic movie in 1935;
– AND 2 reserved front row seats at the next River City Radio Hour, Friday April 17th.Your choice of performance, 6:30 p.m. or 8 p.m.
E-mail your answers (movie star AND movie) to [email protected] by Wednesday, April 15. Call the Wayne Theatre Alliance at 540-943-9999 for more information.