Daniel Bryan’s injury and slowed rehab from neck surgery may have helped WWE stumble into a way to further elevate top heel Bray Wyatt: make him the winner and new WWE champ at Money in the Bank.
The move makes total logical sense from at least three perspectives. One, the long-term plan still seems to be to return the belt to Daniel Bryan when he returns to full health, whenever that is, meaning the title should go to a heel for the time being to serve as an interstitial champ.
Two, Wyatt owns a clean fall win over Bryan from Royal Rumble earlier this year at the conclusion to their too-short feud that made no sense at the time. Putting the strap on Wyatt now and forcing Bryan to chase him for it for a while would be, as the saying goes, good for business. Bryan is at his best when chasing, and it’s not hard to imagine Wyatt being top-notch when being chased.
Three, putting the title on Wyatt, even for just a month or two, adds to his legitimacy and aura as a top WWE performer in a way that suffering several narrow losses to John Cena can’t even do.
Given WWE creative’s rather lackluster booking of late, of late meaning recent years, it’s much more likely that the belt will just end up back on Randy Orton so that we can get even more of the tired Bryan chasing The Authority/Evolution saga that should otherwise be buried forever.
But wouldn’t it be interesting if …
– Column by Chris Graham