Home Waynesboro seeks citizen volunteers to guide public policy
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Waynesboro seeks citizen volunteers to guide public policy


Seats are open on the following Waynesboro boards and commissions in Waynesboro. If you are a city resident and are interested in being considered for one of these openings, please request an application from the Clerk of Council or submit a letter of interest and resume to the Clerk at the address provided. If you have any questions or would like further information on these and all City Boards and Commissions, please contact the Clerk of Council at 540-942-6669 or by e-mail at [email protected], or write to Julia Bortle, Clerk of Council, 503 West Main Street, Suite 210, Waynesboro, VA 22980.


Board of Building Code Appeals

4 Year Term

2 Vacancies

The purpose of the Board is to hear appeals from an aggrieved party regarding the design or construction of a building or structure or any decision of the Building Official concerning the application of the Uniform Statewide Building Code to such building or structure.  Board members consider and determine the suitability of alternate materials, type and method of construction and to provide for a reasonable interpretation of the provisions of all construction codes.  The Board shall follow the appeal procedures as established by the Uniform Statewide Building Code on all hearings and findings.  Membership of the Board shall to the extent possible, represent different occupational or professional fields relating to the construction industry. Plumbing, Mechanical, and Building contractors are encouraged to serve.

Cultural Commission

4 Year Term

3 Vacancies

the Commission coordinates the promotion and support of existing cultural activities and events in the Waynesboro area, supports the development of new cultural organizations towards the enhancement of the quality of life, and promotes a cultural tourism effort in the Waynesboro area. The Commission is to act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters relating to cultural activities, act as an advisory board on behalf of the City with respect to grants and financial assistance to local organizations, assist, coordinate and help to plan similar activities by cultural organizations represented on the commission by nonvoting members, and seek to cooperate with all agencies, public or private, in the promotion of and education in the cultural activities of the city. The Commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayne Theatre Building, 531 West Main Street, Suite 1, Waynesboro.


Economic Development Authority Board of Directors

4 Year Term

1 Vacancy

The Waynesboro Economic Development Authority is a seven member board appointed by City Council and charged with promoting the economic wellbeing of the community. In addition to its legal authority to issue industrial development bonds, the EDA directs strategic planning initiatives, oversees economic development incentives, and leads outreach efforts to the business community. The economic development efforts of the City are designed to ultimately create wealth for the citizens of the City. This personal wealth allows the total economy to thrive through disposable income and capital investment in business. This also provides revenues for local government to provide services and programs reflected by the desires of the community. The Board of Directors meets on the second Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall.

Flood Control Commission

4 Year Term

2 Vacancies

Members of the Flood Control Commission shall consider all matters affecting the City and report to the Council thereon and to recommend the institution of works and projects. Where the Council has referred a project or work of improvement, the Commission will study, report, and recommend action to the Council concerning said works or projects within 90 days.  The Flood Control Commission will annually recommend to the Council a budget for capital improvements and for expenses of operation and maintenance within the City.

Historical Commission

4 Year Term

4 Vacancies

The Historical Commission is charged with preserving and protecting the history of the City of Waynesboro. The Historical Commission’s mission is to locate, collect, and preserve historical facts and important information about our community, educate and encourage personal and community responsibility for preserving our past and fostering an understanding and appreciation of our history. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Museum.


Parks and Recreation Commission

4 Year Term

Ward C and Ward D Vacancies

An advisory body appointed to advise Council as to the park and recreational needs of the City.  The Commission also provides advisory direction to the Parks and Recreation Department staff on related topics including the annual budget, general recreational programming and relationships with other private and public organization, and park development and re-development issues. The Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month, 7:00 P.M., at the Department of Parks and Recreation, 413 Port Republic Rd., Waynesboro, VA – unless otherwise noted.

Planning Commission

4 Year Term

2 Vacancies

Established as an advisory board by the Waynesboro City Council and in accordance with Section 15.2-2210 of the Code of Virginia, the Planning Commission is charged with forwarding City planning activities “in order to promote the orderly development of the locality and its environs”. The City Code enumerates the ways in which Planning Commissions shall function as the official body planning for the future growth and development of a locality. Members shall have the powers, functions and duties provided for by the State Planning Law. The Commission is charged with making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of land and the imposing of requirements or conditions thereon, and shall have final jurisdiction in the approval or disapproval of tentative maps, subject to appeal to the City Council. The Planning Commission’s Business Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of each month and their Work Sessions take place on the first Tuesday of each month – 7:00 P.M. –- Council Chambers, Charles T. Yancey Municipal Bldg., 503 West Main Street, Waynesboro.

Senior Advocacy Commission

4 Year Term

4 Vacancies

The commission assesses and evaluates community needs and resources relative to senior residents by means of public sessions, forums, surveys, and coordination with other agencies, individuals, and/or firms who have an interest in the well-being of the city’s older adult population; recommend to the City Council and City Manager ways and means of providing and improving services for older adults; be responsible for initiating and supporting efforts to increase the visibility of the seniors in the community, include them in the life of the city, and recognize the value of their contributions to the community at large. The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month, at 3:30 p.m. at the Waynesboro Senior Center, 325 Pine Avenue, Waynesboro.


Shenandoah Valley Workforce Investment Council

3 Year Term

1 Vacancy

Provides policy guidance and exercises oversight with respect to activities under the SDA’s job training plan; determines procedures for developing ob training in preparation of the plan, which will include the following: (1) designation of grant recipient(s) and administrative entity(ies); (2) description of services, including estimated duration of service and training cost per participant; (3) types of jobs and occupations for funded training and planned levels of skills attainment; (4) procedures for identifying and selecting participants; (5) procedures and criteria for selecting service providers; (6) performance goals; and (7) budget.

Transportation Safety Commission

4 Year Term

1 Vacancy

The mission of the Waynesboro Transportation Safety Commission is to consider pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle transportation issues as they relate to the safety and enjoyment of the citizens of Waynesboro and to consider development-related transportation issues as they affect the level of service of the larger arterial system. This Commission meets on an average of four (4) times per year to recommend to the City Council and/or the Police Chief and Public Works Director various means for improving traffic safety and circulation. The Committee routinely makes recommendations on such things as placement of stop signs, limits on parking, speed limits, etc. The Commission meets on the third Monday of January, April, July and October at 5:15 p.m. in the Public Works Administration Building, 941 Fir Street, Waynesboro. Interim meetings are held as needed.


Valley Community Services Board

3 Year Term

1 Vacancy

The purpose of this Board shall be to act as a direct agent of the Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro and the Counties of Augusta and Highland, in the establishment and operation of community mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse programs as provided for in Title §37.2-500, Chapter 5, §37.2-501 through §37.2-512, Code of Virginia (2005) as amended. The core of program services to be provided by the Board shall include emergency services, case management services subject to such funds as may be appropriated therefore, and may include a comprehensive system of inpatient, outpatient, day support residential, prevention, early intervention, and other appropriate mental health, intellectual disabilities and substance abuse services necessary to provide individualized services and supports to persons with mental illnesses, intellectual disabilities, or alcohol or drug abuse problems or dependence. The Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m., 86 Sanger’s Lane, Staunton, VA.



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