The Virginia High School League is developing plans for the reopening of fall athletics and activities.
VHSL staff continues to meet regularly with region superintendents, principals, athletic directors, and the VHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. VHSL staff will begin meeting with Coach Advisory Committees of fall sports to discuss developing reopening plans.
The goal is to develop plans for multiple scenarios related to start dates, safety measures for resuming practices, regular season schedules, and state playoffs for fall sports.
“What we have been doing and will continue to do, is to strongly advocate for our student-athletes for a reopening of fall sports and activities. We know much has been taken away from our students by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to advocate for them and the return of high school athletics and activities,” said VHSL Executive Director Dr. John W. “Billy” Haun.
“It is important to say, and many already have, as we develop plans there are more questions than answers. Because of that, we cannot put a timeline on when decisions will be completed and announced to the public until many of those questions become answerable,” Haun said. “We continue to fully support our governor’s directives, work with advisory groups, government agencies, other states, and medical experts to come up with a safe and sound plan to implement sports and activities for the fall.”
Haun serves on the VDOE Return to School Recovery Task Force and VHSL Associate Executive Director Tom Dolan and Director of Communications Mike McCall have provided ongoing recommendations to the Return To School Committee for VDOE.