Seven community organizations across the state were recently awarded a total of $62,000 in Virginia ABC Education and Prevention grants to help reduce underage and high-risk drinking in their communities.
These organizations proposed creative and robust plans ranging from compliance check campaigns to alcohol prevention programming for college students and contests to solicit public service announcements designed by Virginia youth. Grantees will work in partnership with Virginia ABC Education and Prevention staff to implement their plans over the next year.
“Given the extraordinary circumstances we are all experiencing this year, the work of our community partners in the field of alcohol education and prevention is as important as ever,” said Virginia ABC Chief Executive Officer Travis Hill. “The projects funded through these grants will help to promote healthy decisions regarding alcohol consumption, and we look forward to supporting their efforts over the next year.” The following organizations were awarded funds for the 2020-2021 grant cycle:
- Northwestern Community Services Board ($10,000)
- Piedmot Community Services ($6,000)
- Richard Bland College ($9,000)
- Freedom Support Services ($7,000)
- Rockbridge Area Community Services ($10,000)
- Substance Abuse Free Environment Inc. ($10,000)
- Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria ($10,000)
For more information about ABC’s Education and Prevention Grant program, visit