Zuzu African Acrobats Virtual Performance
Feb. 17, 12:15-1:15pm, us05web.zoom.us/j/82229553486?pwd=cmx0WnNRczlNN3Awa2JFcFEveU0wZz09
Traditional Tanzanian acrobatics from the West Coast of Africa. Follow the link attached for live show. Open to the public.
Contact: Mary Kier Smith, [email protected]
Bad Moon Rising: The Prom Night Murders Memoir
Feb. 19, 11:30am-12:30pm, vccs.zoom.us/j/81332872609?pwd=dUZoRnV3bGNuOFhoRCtxYkhlaDB2dz09
Join authors Ed and Mindy Morrison for a lecture on their book, “Bad Moon Rising: The Prom Night Murder Memoirs”. A Brown Bag Lecture sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Committee and open to the public.
Contact: Emma Phillips, [email protected], 540-435-2338
Presentation: The History of the Gullah Wars
Feb 23, 12:30- 1:30pm, vccs.zoom.us/j/89703602331?pwd=WVEwaDFpYURrbmt1MUxqV3UyK1FqZz09
Kelly Richardson, researcher and historian of West African Culture and the Transatlantic Slave War, will present “The History of the Gullah Wars.”
Contact: Mary Kier Smith, [email protected]