United Way of Greater Augusta will celebrate its annual Week of Caring on April 12-18th. This year’s event will demonstrate how people in our region LIVE UNITED™ by completing projects for area non-profits.
Over 200 volunteers are scheduled on worksites for organizations such as Project Grows, Renewing Homes of Greater Augusta, and Vector Industries to name a few. Advancing the common good means recognizing that we are all connected and interdependent. It involves creating opportunities for a better life for all.
When individuals, organizations, governments and businesses set aside their special interests and work together, we can make a difference. Living United means being part of the change. There will also be 109 students from Wilson High School working on projects on April 17.
Our community joins people all across the country who are taking action demonstrating how they LIVE UNITED™ by giving, advocating and volunteering in the areas of education, income and health.
Additional details are available at www.volunteergreateraugusta.org
About United Way of Greater Augusta United Way of Greater Augusta is part of a national network of more than 1,300 locally governed organizations that work to create lasting positive changes in communities and people’s lives. Building on more than a century of service as the nation’s preeminent community-based fundraiser, United Way engages the community to identify the underlying causes of the most significant local issues, develops strategies and pulls together financial and human resources to address them, and measures the results.
United Way of Greater Augusta tackle issues based on local needs. Common focus areas include helping children and youth succeed, improving access to health care, promoting self-sufficiency, and strengthening families. For more information about United Way of Greater Augusta, visit www.unitedwayga.org.