Story by Erin Gutzwiller
“The Princess Bride” is a classic love story that combines romance and adventure with fantasy and humor. In the eyes of Dixie Theater house manager Lauren Mignogno, it is the “greatest love story and comedy ever.”
This is why you should think Valentines when you think “The Princess Bride” and the Dixie tomorrow night for the special midnight showing of the movie.
The idea to have a showing of “The Princess Bride” came from a previous showing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” that was shown on Halloween, Mignogno said. It was this sold-out showing that sparked the idea of showing “The Princess Bride” for Valentines Day.
The doors open at 11:30 p.m. to the public, and the cost to attend is $5. Their will be a pre-show and a costume contest so the audience is encouraged to participate.
For the remainder of February the Dixie Theater will be showing Oscar-winning classic movies every Monday night at 8 p.m. On Feb. 18, there will be a showing of “Gone with the Wind,” and Feb. 25 will feature “Stage Coach.”
These movies are free for everyone, and there will be a suggestion box so audience members may drop their suggestions in the box.
Erin Gutzwiller is an Augusta Free Press intern.