Virginia House of Delegates Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford) and House Republican leaders commented Sunday ahead of Governor McAuliffe’s campaign stops in Northern Virginia. House leaders encouraged voters in Northern Virginia to reject the Governor’s plan to add $17 tolls on I-66 and criticized the Governor’s divisive, Washington-style campaign.
“Across Northern Virginia, this election comes down to one question: who can you trust to fight back against Governor McAuliffe and his outrageous $17 toll on I-66 inside the beltway?” said Speaker Howell. “Kathleen Murphy, John Bell and Jennifer Boysko simply cannot be trusted to stand up to the Governor. Craig Parisot, Chuong Nguyen, Danny Vargas, Sang Yi and Republicans throughout the I-66 corridor are united in their opposition and commitment to stopping the Governor’s $17 toll. If voters give Craig, Chuong, Danny and Sang the honor of serving in the House of Delegates, they will carry legislation with the full support of House leadership to stop these tolls.”
Commenting on the Governor’s remarks on I-66 and gun control late last week, Speaker Howell added “Elections bring out the competitive passion in everybody, but it has been very disappointing to see the Governor take such an unnecessarily divisive tone in the last few days. Virginia voters expect and deserve better.”
“As Governor McAuliffe travels the Commonwealth today, voters will have a clear choice on who should lead state government,” said House Majority Leader Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights). “Voters can choose between the partisan rhetoric and Washington-style governance that has become so familiar during the Governor’s first two years in office, or they can choose the practical, results-oriented governing solutions offered by Republican candidates. While Washington drowns in deficits and debt, and the American people suffer under the weight of the Obama-Clinton-McAuliffe agenda, Virginia has charted a different course under Republican leadership in the General Assembly. We’ve balanced budgets, turned shortfalls into surpluses and offered real solutions. That’s the choice voters face on Tuesday.”
“As I’ve campaigned with Republican candidates over the last few weeks, the issue I’ve heard voters talk about most is the Governor’s plan for $17 tolls on I-66,” said House Majority Caucus Chairman Tim Hugo (R-Fairfax). “Families oppose the Governor’s plan to add new $17 tolls without adding new lane capacity and prioritize bike paths in Arlington over real congestion relief. Northern Virginia commuters are not the Governor’s personal ATM machine. Republican candidates like Craig Parisot, Chuong Nugyen, Danny Vargas and Sang Yi have a plan to stop these outrageous tolls.”
“Whether you live in Manassas, Prince William, Fairfax or Loudoun, the Governor and his allies have made it clear that they expect us to pay the price for building new bike and pedestrian paths in Arlington,” said House Majority Whip Jackson Miller (R-Manassas). “Even a salesman with the Governor’s talents couldn’t sell this plan to hardworking families.”