Shenandoah National Park will waive entrance fees for all park visitors on Saturday, June 17 in celebration of Park Neighbor Day, an annual event held on the third Saturday of June to honor our neighbors who live in the counties and gateway communities surrounding the Park.
Visitors are encouraged to stop by the Big Meadows Wayside (mile 51 on Skyline Drive) from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. to learn about the rich heritage and diverse amenities available in our gateway communities. The Park’s partner organizations (Shenandoah National Park Trust, Shenandoah National Park Association, the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club and Delaware North Corporation) will also be present to highlight the important activities they undertake to support Shenandoah National Park. There will be music by local artists and exhibits by our local communities and partners to showcase the variety of features they have to offer.
Superintendent Jennifer Flynn said, “Shenandoah National Park is a part of the fabric of our communities, providing nearly $96 million in economic benefit, as well as health benefits and recreational opportunities. The Park’s surrounding communities enrich our lives and our visitors’ experiences with their vibrant downtowns, agritourism, and historical resources, including Civil War battlefields and so much more. We hope many of our neighbors will take advantage of the fee free day to rediscover the park and enjoy the activities offered during Park Neighbor Day.”
Other special events will also be taking place at Byrd Visitor Center (mile 51 Skyline Drive) on Saturday, June 17. Renowned author Jeff Alt, of the book Get Your Kids Hiking: How to Start Them Young and Keep It Fun will present a program at the Byrd Visitor Center auditorium from 11:00 a.m – noon. Join Jeff as he teams up with Shenandoah National Park Rangers to lead kids and accompanying adults on a short hike loaded with hands-on family hiking tips and ways to explore the outdoors. This short family stroll turns a walk in the park into a fun-filled, multi-dimensional adventure that kids of all ages and parents will enjoy. Jeff will return to the Byrd Visitor Center on Sunday, June 18 from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. to present a program featuring interactive time travel adventures based on his book The Adventures of Bubba Jones: Time Traveling through Shenandoah National Park. Jeff’s Bubba Jones stories are designed to engage kids with wild animal encounters, interesting history, science, and the environment and will have your entire family excited to take your own Shenandoah adventure. These programs are free to park visitors.
A special presentation on June 17 by Artist-in-Residence Kevin H. Adams will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the Byrd Visitor Center auditorium. Come and experience his interactive demonstration showcasing his artwork that is inspired by the wonder of the national parks. This program is also free.
Shenandoah National Park’s official concessionaire, Delaware North will welcome park neighbors by providing residents of the surrounding counties with discounts. They will provide a 10% discount on select items in their retail stores and a 10% discount on food and some beverage items at all their restaurants. Visitors wishing to take advantage of these discounts will be required to provide proof of residency by showing their Virginia driver’s license.
For more information about our special events, please visit our website at