U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) unveiled Monday his new congressional website, designed to help Virginians easily contact Sen.Warner, receive help with federal casework issues, and follow his work in the Senate.
The new mobile-friendly site provides visitors with updated constituent services in both English and Spanish, highlights Sen. Warner’s legislative priorities, and offers new opportunities to connect with the Senator and his office. It can now be accessed at www.warner.senate.gov.
“I encourage Virginians look through our new website to request assistance with federal agencies, learn about key legislative issues, and share their views on how Congress can better serve them,” said Sen. Warner. “This redesigned website provides a streamlined platform for constituents to connect with my office and the federal government, and it is my hope that it will facilitate greater engagement with the community.”
The new streamlined website will allow constituents to:
- Request assistance with federal agencies
- Learn about Sen. Warner’s legislative priorities
- Share their views about current legislative issues
- Stay up to date with Sen. Warner’s social media pages
- Invite Sen. Warner to attend events
- Connect with Sen. Warner’s state offices in Abington, Norfolk, Roanoke, Richmond, and Vienna