VDOT invites the public to attend an upcoming location public hearing for the Route 670 connector road project in Greene County.
The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 5920 Seminole Trail, Ruckersville.
The proposed $5.4 million project involves constructing a connector road between Route 29 (Seminole Trail) and Route 670 (Preddy Creek Road). The proposed road will be two lanes, one in each direction, with 4-foot paved shoulders on each side. VDOT has developed three construction alternatives for public input.
- Alternative A: The proposed alignment of the new two-lane roadway will intersect Route 670 directly across from Autumn Oaks Road, creating a four-way intersection. The connector road will intersect Route 29 approximately 1,675 feet south of the signalized intersection of Route 607. Left and right turn lanes on Route 670 may be needed in the future but will not be included as part of this alternative.
- Alternative B: This alternative will realign Route 670 to provide direct access to Route 29. The new two-lane roadway will intersect Route 29 approximately 1,250 feet south of the signalized intersection of Route 607. This alternative better accommodates future growth and eliminates the need for turn lanes to be added in the future.
- Alternative C: No-build option
At the open house-style hearing, VDOT staff will be available to discuss the project and answer questions. The public can review information about each construction alternative, ask questions and obtain information about the project’s timeline and cost as well as provide feedback on the project orally or in writing.
Written comments can also be submitted by mail to John Rose, Project Manager, 1601 Orange Road, Culpeper, VA 22701 through May 31. Email comments can be sent to [email protected].
Anyone requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting may contact VDOT at 540-829-7500, 800-367-7623 or TTY/TDD 711.
More information about the projects can be found on VDOT’s website at http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/culpeper/route670connector.asp.