No one ever expects it to happen to them. A trip off the curb a devastating car accident or other life-threatening emergencies. Once it happens and the car and health insurance elements are taken care of many people want to get their life back as much as possible. Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers can help. In this article, I will be detailing every aspect of choosing the right personal injury lawyer to support you and your loved ones through this difficult ordeal.
Let’s first take a look at what personal injury is:
Many people think crashes and accidents but it may surprise you to learn that personal injury actually covers more than that. Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers will review your case and look at the following criteria for a personal injury suit. Here are a few common incidents that have case potential:
Typical Claims
- Physical injury – to the back, head, and neck
- Burns
- Amputation
- Paralysis
- Death
Primary Causes
The above is usually a result of car and motorcycle accidents, defects in products, slips, trips, and/or falls. Truck and bus accidents, as well as pedestrian or cyclist accidents, also would fall under the heading of a personal injury lawyer. Don’t forget to follow these steps if you are in an accident:
- Call 911
- Get the contact information of the person/people involved
- Witnesses
- Take pictures of the scene and video of the area
- Don’t discuss the case with anyone!
What does a personal injury lawyer do?
Once the firm chooses to take on your case they will go through a deliberate investigation to collect as much evidence as possible to find fault. This may include complete negligence or partial negligence on either side. They also will need to locate all members that played a role in the incident to allocate responsibility accordingly.
Example of this evidence may include:
- Police reports
- Witness statement
- Photos and Video
- Medical records and reports
- Employer records
The next step after a thorough investigation and then recommend you to their personal experts so you can get the best medical treatment and avoid being slammed with medical bills. AJK Legal charges NO upfront costs or fees!
The next steps usually take place out of the courtroom where your lawyers will protect and negotiate on your behalf. If needed a great personal injury lawyer will go to litigation and bring the case before the courts.
Unique Laws Specific to Florida
If you are a resident or your incident happened in Florida it is important to know about the states unique laws. For example, Florida is a no-fault which means there is no requirement to prove fault after an accident. This affects you in the following ways:
- The personal injury protection insurance of the driver is responsible for the medical bills and lost wages
- Every car owner in Florida must have a ten thousand dollar minimum coverage plan as per the PIP law.
- In Florida, you have up to four years to file a personal injury claim
If you feel like you have a personal injury case and are in Florida, be sure to contact a reliable and reputable law firm that specializes in personal injury law. Schedule a consultation today!