An upcoming pipe replacement project will close a portion of Route 250 (Ivy Road) in Albemarle County in mid-June.
VDOT will close Route 250 to through traffic to replace a large pipe located just east of Route 676 (Tilman Road). This work has been scheduled to avoid both morning rush hours. The road will be closed beginning at 10 a.m. June 12 and will reopen by 4 a.m. June 13, weather permitting.
The large pipe must be replaced to prevent damage to the travel lanes. Crews will excavate the soil above and around the pipe. After removing the pipe, crews will install a new pipe, backfill the area and resurface the road.
Due to the significant work required to remove the old pipe, it is not feasible to keep one travel lane open during this project.
Motorists are advised to use Route 738 (Morgantown Road) to get around the closure.
Drivers should check or the 511 mobile app for updated information about traffic conditions and follow @VaDOTCULP on Twitter for updates.