Good news: more of you think the notion pushed by the right that there is a War on Christmas is nonsense.
A new Public Policy Polling survey has 42 percent of Americans saying they don’t believe that there is a War on Christmas, with 37 percent saying that there is.
The last time PPP surveyed voters on the topic, in 2012, the split was 47 percent feeling there is a War on Christmas, and 40 percent saying, um, no, sorry.
The split, as you might guess, is partisan: 56 percent of Republicans push War on Christmas, to 26 percent of GOP voters who don’t see it, while Democrats fall 26 percent yes and 55 percent no.
Also not surprisingly, those who do see a War on Christmas think Donald Trump is the political candidate who can help America win the war.
Among those who do think there is a War on Christmas, 29 percent feel The Donald is best suited to protect the homeland, with 16 percent backing Ben Carson, 15 percent for Hillary Clinton, 14 percent for Ted Cruz, poor ol’ Jeb Bush back in the single digits here, as everywhere else, at 9 percent, and Marco Rubio and Bernie Sanders in the back of the pack at 6 percent each.
Other tidbits from the War on Christmas
- A plurality thinks Santa Claus is a Republican (28 percent vs. 22 percent who think Saint Nick is a Democrat).
- Christmas enjoys near-universal approval (88 percent favorable, 6 percent unfavorable). Hannukah has a 64 percent/8 percent favorable split. Kwanzaa is at 37 percent/21 percent, and Festivus must not be for the entirety of the rest of us, with just a 24 percent/17 percent favorable split.
- Fruitcake has a negative favorability – 38 percent like it, 52 percent don’t. Republicans (50/46) and seniors (58/33) like fruitcake; Democrats (39/53) and young voters (27/64) are fine passing.
- The Grinch’s heart grew three sizes at the end of the story, but Americans still don’t like him: 18 percent view The Grinch favorably, with 60 percent not buying his story of personal redemption.
- Rudolph is the Trump of the reindeer race: with 46 percent listing the Red-Nosed One as their favorite reindeer. Dasher is the Ted Cruz, in second place at 9 percent.
– Story by Chris Graham